Saturday, February 20, 2010

Boys and Dolls-the Waldorf Way

So, today I was doing the dishes and I looked over and saw my seven year old playing so sweetly with his little "man-ikin" waldorf doll I made him when he was a baby.  I quickly snatched a picture-trying to preserve the moment.  He really loves this doll, dresses him, cares about his welfare, talks to him- he was the slowest to warm up to dolls. For a long time he would just let my other son play with it and proclaim he doesn't play with dolls, but alas the bonding has begun and it is very rewarding to see.  I invite you to read my other blog on making waldorf dolls and make your doll today : )
If you like this blog please check out Dr. Aurore's book "Beyond Natural Cures" and her music/foreign language program the AMHC.


  1. I love this. It really reminds me of my son when he was the same age. I made him a doll who he named "Jack" (and in fact, Jack has the same outfit on as in the photo!). He was lukewarm about Jack until his younger sister started to play with him. Then, Jack became only HIS. No one else could touch Jack, he told me, because Jack was special. To this day, Jack sits on the shelf in my sons room, and no one else can touch him. My son will be 14 in a few weeks.

  2. Thanks Lisa-you are so right, the ability to bond with a doll is so important- I can't believe your son is 14, you must be so proud, my older son is turning 13-it is exciting to see these loving boys turn into loving men...

  3. I love that first picture! You totally captured a priceless moment - love it! Where is your blog about making waldorf dolls? Would love to read it, but couldn't figure out which post :D
    Thanks Aurore! Jen

  4. Hey Jen!! : ) You can find anything by the search box- just type in dolls- it was back in dec I think.....I was just looking at the wooden Goddess statue in the right side of the picture-
    it is indeed a magical moment....

  5. Found it~


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