Thursday, February 25, 2010

Adults That Make Children Laugh....

Well, This is a funny story I thought I'd share with you- this summer at a concert, my children saw a woman wearing this type of gypsy hat. At first they laughed and laughed- and said she looked ridiculous-and carried on. A week later they were still talking about the woman with the gypsy hat.  But then, while at a store-guess what they wanted to buy! The gypsy hat.  I told my children not to judge people so harshly-sometimes adults can look ridiculous-but it is more or less the children picking up on the adults insecurity or even the adult trying too hard to be something they are not and so children sense that.  But I couldn't help but laugh myself at lifes small joys and serendipitous revelations!

I used this to point out to the children that life is a theatre and that what actually happened is that the woman taught them a lesson about freedom to be and look how you want- even if it is ridiculous!  I really believe, had the woman in the hat looked more self-confident and not scared and depressive-that my children would have not noticed or had liked it right away....


  1. Hi from New Zealand, great words for your children cheers Marie

  2. Hello to you Marie- The Piano is my favorite movie- I often dream about New Zealand : )

  3. This reminds me of a story. Took my children to a Halloween party one year and there was a costume contest. Ryan had a little tan suit and an old man's hat (from the thrift store) and one of those clear man with mustache masks. He added an ascot and looked just like some mysterious little man. When he got there all the other boys were Spiderman, the Scream or the Grim Reaper. He was SOOOO uncomfortable he took off his costume but we convinced him to wear it for the contest. Afterall, “it's the people who stand out in life who are rewarded,“ we told him. And, of course, he was beside himself when he won the $25 first prize.

  4. Good for him! Isn't it hard to overcome this peer pressure! Even with homeschooling I see it-
    I can see that moment having a life time of good effects and memories for your son : )


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