Monday, December 12, 2011

Guadalupe Day, a Romanian Monastery and Homeschooling!

My brother says a prayer, this is my moms Guadalupe she painted!

At the monastery, Manchester Michigan

A bubbling brook and waterfall

These are the Polish Clothes my mother bought me for Christmas last year
Working on a new song out of my Beethoven book
Today is the Virgin Guadalupe day, my mother painted a seven foot Guadalupe in our yoga studio a couple years ago.  We lit candles we bought from Meijers!  The traditional Mexican ones.  My moms friend took us to the South of Michigan to a Romanian Monastery. It was beautiful and in the woods. We didn't understand Romanian but the ceremony was magical and we bought blessed candles. Romanian is based on Latin, we recognized some words from French and Spanish, but we thought it sounded a bit like Italian because many words had the chee sound at the end. We made some snow flake crafts out of silver, gold and blue glass beads afterward. Pheww, its been a busy holiday season.

My older brother and I are working out of a book about composers and a book out health.  We finished all of our science, geology, social studies, etc for the year! We worked on three books a day. My mother has us write reports and draw pictures of each chapter we read. I woke up very early in the morning to do my reports so that I could play the rest of the day!  My friend took me to a basketball game up at a local school. She is a cheerleader and my brothers swing dance partner. Yes, I forgot, my brother and I are taking swing but he is really into it and wants to go to competitions! LOL,
The rest of the year should be a bit easier, we are finishing the book "To Kill a Mockingbird."  We have to read four chapters a week and then write a two page essay. My mom checks it at the end of the week.  I really like this book. After this we are starting on Dickens.  My mom says we will be reading Great Expectations and Oliver Twist the rest of the year.  I asked for a beautiful cloth covered Great Expectations book for Christmas- I think I got it-because I am looking at a rectangle present under the tree now~!
Happy Holidays,
Katia : )
lumea este mea - Romanian for "The World is Mine!"

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