Monday, November 1, 2010

Halloween Fun in Michigan

Fun at Hucklberry Railroad, a yearly Michigan tradition

The Switch Witch comes every Halloween, taking all the poison candy with artificial colors and flavors and leaving healthy organic treats and toys

Our Family met us out for the fun

An unseasonably warm day in October

Halloween Night- too chilly for us adults to wear our costumes- !

Cider Mill-another fun tradition!

they cant eat the candy-but they do find other uses for it, LOL
Happy Halloween, I hope all of you had a wonderful holiday- this day is important to us as we are Irish. We light a candle the night before Halloween and put pictures of our ancestors and those who have passed on, much like Dias de los Muertos. It is the Celtic new year- so we smudge the house and welcome good spirits into our home. Then on Halloween- we do the typical American traditions. This year we went out with our friends who just moved here from Germany- it was lots of fun using our German language and showing them this fun American custom! It was pretty cold this year, so next year we are planning a big Halloween party- early in October. I hope some of you can come!  Please see my halloween blog from last year for craft ideas-the wool Waldorf witch!

Heart, Aurore


  1. Thankyou for posting photos of your family and writing about your traditions. I did not know about the Celtic New Year, and found that quite fascinating (off to do some more research on that one!) Blessings - Jessica

  2. Thanks for stopping by Jessica! I normally do alot more at Halloween time, as far as crafts go, but this year we decided to work on costumes instead. Did you check out the Waldorf wool witch we made last year? I don't know if I should repost...having a hard time figuring out how to make the old posts retrievable and more accessible there is a very good book I want to recommend to you- I will blog about it later on today : )
    Kindly, Aurore


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