Thursday, April 1, 2010

Waldorf Woodworking Projects: The Cow

These are the boys cows that they made out of a birch tree.  This is their first wood project it cost me about $100 for all of the equipment- small saw, vice, sanding block, tool box (which they made), gloves, glasses and a hand drill.
I have to admit it was intimidating-but my older son just got into it on his own for the most part and led my younger one.  My daughter was not interested in this project-
We got the idea and instructions from one of the Waldorf Craft books we bought off of amazon.  I might need some help to keep this going- as it was more difficult and stressful than I had originally imagined!

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  1. Would you share what waldorf craft book the cow idea/inpiration came from? Have a blessed Easter.
    Ali - NZ

  2. Hi Ali, I just checked it the Waldorf- Toy Making for Children book...


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