Sunday, April 18, 2010

Switching from Plastic to Wood- It's Worth It!

Ostheimer play world- my son and daughter- now 13 and 12- still love
and play with their Ostheimer toys.  They set up a wonderland of worlds-and spend hours playing by themselves and with eachother.  The Ostheimer castle, I bought at Nova Natural Toys and it was my best investment.  They now have the Native American set, the medieval set, the fairytale set and the farm set.  We spend a whole day twice a year washing them down and resealing them with beeswax.  I look forward to wrapping these pieces up for them and presenting them to their children one day!

If you like this blog please read Aurore's book "Beyond Natural Cures"


  1. What a lovely glimpse into your home :D We started our *woodland* collection (as the girls termed it) last year and you are SO right - they play every day with them. We're having a garage sale in May to purchase more Ostheimers as we continue to swap out plastic for wood...

    Thinking of you guys...

  2. Oh thank you Jen- I am having, sadly a Waldorf garage sale soon- I can't take it all with me! I am getting rid of lots of wood puzzles and marble runs- but nothing will make me part with the Ostheimer !! : )


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