Hello, I am Katia, Dr. Aurore's daughter I hope you enjoy our adventures in Waldorf homeschooling and life! (Dr. Aurore is a Waldorf Mother, author and doctor of natural health. View videos below on youtube, find her on Facebook and subscribe below for email updates. Be sure to check out Dr. Aurore's Book and the Beyond Natural Cures health blog.)
Monday, December 28, 2009
Amazing Game for Growing Waldorfers.....
It has been coined the "Monopoly Killer"-and with good reason. While on my way to get the game Monopoly for my older children for Christmas-I discovered this game. I knew about Catan before but this new geography addition, which is filled with German facts, landscapes and ancient landmarks-is a complete package of learning and fun. Because you trade things like wool, stone, wood, etc- makes it a perfect addition to a Waldorf lesson plan. As Waldorfers use real materials like wood and wool to teach their children, their first exposure to the concept of money and buying is really preserved in a pre-step to monetary exchange in this game. It is a long game, about 3 hours, however it is not critical to finish it all at once and I was really surprised when my seven year old joined in and instantly understood the concept of trading. I am excited about the new Catan Geographies that will be coming out soon. This is a great intro to money-I am still planning on getting the game Monopoly or Life, sometime in the future. But until then, we cannot wait to play Catan-again and again!
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Catan is wonderful! We've played a couple of different Catan games. The kids love them, and they really make you think. :)